Showing 1-12 of 101 results
How to Install Flutter on Windows, macOS and Ubuntu

How to Install Flutter on Windows, macOS and Ubuntu

April 11, 2022

Introduction Flutter app development is also supported on desktop, and we can make cross-platform apps using Flutter, which means we can run a flutter app on all the platforms, i.e., Android, iOS, Web, and Desktop. Navoki Notes an …

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Flutter Desktop Linux Snapcraft

Linux Desktop app with Flutter | Publish on Snapcraft Tutorial

August 4, 2021

Flutter is Google’s UI framework to make apps for Android, iOS, Web, Windows, Mac, Linux, and Fuchsia OS. Since the last 2 years, the flutter Framework has already achieved popularity among mobile developers to develop Android and iOS apps.  …

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Flutter 2 is here | What’s new in Flutter 2.0.0

March 22, 2021

1. Introduction Flutter event on the 3rd of March, Flutter 2.0.0 release was announced. Flutter 2 comes with a significant upgrade to Flutter that enables developers to create beautiful, fast, and portable, stable apps for …

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Flutter Commands A Developer Must Know, Cheat Sheet

14 Flutter Commands a Developer must know, Cheat Sheet

January 28, 2021

Hi, my name is Shivam, This is a flutter tutorial for beginners, some useful flutter commands or cli commands that a developer should know or you can say flutter commands cheat sheet. These list of …

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