Google Developers latest update
Kotlin Bootcamp
As you know Kotlin language is used to build an android application. In the past few months, IOS developers switch to Swift and Android developers switch to Kotlin from Objective-C and Java respectively. Now Google and Udacity offering Kotlin on Android online courses via Kotlin Boot camp as free of cost.
1. Kotlin Boot camp Course?
In Kotlin Boot camp Course, you will learn everything which you should know to program in Kotlin, this course is for beginners with the basics such as how to write Kotlin syntax, and working up to functions such as extending built-in functions. This boot camp course gives you the Kotlin foundation you’ll need to take the Android Kotlin Fundamentals course to learn how to build Android apps in Kotlin. Click here for reading in-depth.
2. Scaling limit increase of firebase realtime database
The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database to store and sync data in real-time. On September 19, 2019, firebase has announced that they have doubled the Scaling limit of Firebase Realtime Database from 100k to 200k. This new change has automatically reflected to all existing or newly created projects.