Tor browser new release: Tor
There have many users who don’t know about the proxy server or understand the meaning of proxy or why it is used. A proxy server is a website/server that acts as a middleman for you to get on the Internet.
A proxy is someone or something which is acting on your behalf, doing something you tell it to.
A person can place a proxy vote at a stockholder’s meeting for you if you tell that person in advance what they should vote for. The proxy represents you.
A server on the internet can act as a proxy server by going and getting a website that you ask it for. It then sends the page to you, so it is acting on your behalf. This proxy server is useful if you cannot go to the website directly. Suppose Facebook is banned at your workplace. You can find a proxy server to get to Facebook for you, as long as the proxy server is not banned also.
Tor is a web browser which is used for change your proxy or IP address means by using Tor, websites will no longer be able to track the physical location of your IP address or what you have been looking at online…and neither will any interested organizations that may want to monitor someone’s Internet activity—meaning law enforcement or government security agencies. Tor is like a proxy on steroids.
Tor version has released on 19 September 2019, In this release, Tor Browser has a lot of changes and bug fixing, so that if you are using Tor browser then update it now for a better experience, Browsing the web over Tor is slower than the clear net, and some major web services block Tor users. Tor Browser is also illegal in authoritarian regimes that want to prevent citizens from reading, publishing, and communicating anonymously. Journalists and dissidents around the world have embraced Tor as a cornerstone of democracy online today, and researchers are hard at work improving Tor’s anonymity properties.
How to Download & Use
You can download the Tor browser for Mac, Windows or Linux from the download page or for Android by clicking here. When you download it in desktop so you get two files at download time or you got pop up for download it, that two files contain the functionality of set Proxy network and another is browser but if you use Tor browser in android so you have need to download only one file which you can download from Google Play Store and you can use any browser which is present in your mobile at that time then you can use as a normal web browser but it’s slower than other browsers because it fetches the data through another server.