Showing 1-12 of 101 results

TinyGo Sponsored by Google

February 25, 2020

The TinyGo development team has published that TinyGo is currently formally a Google-sponsored project. The announcement was created at FOSDEM 2020, the European Meeting of the Free and Open supply software package Developers. TinyGo may be …

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Imageedit 3 9165860179 1 | Java 13

Java 13

September 25, 2019

The new version of java As you know oracle launches Java’s new version in every 6 months, On last Tuesday 17th September 2019 oracle has released Java Standard Edition 13 Platform (Java SE 13) and …

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Flutter Vs React Native 3 | Flutter V/S React Native

Flutter v/s React Native

September 16, 2019

In this tutorial, I’ll explain about Flutter and React Native also compare both technologies. As mobile application developers are more and more confused about choosing a technology between React Native and flutter, because both of …

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Imageedit 3117487493 | Android Studio Stop Support

Android Studio stop support

September 13, 2019

Android studio will stop support from 31 December 2019 If you are an android developer and have 32 to bit system so get ready for replacing it because google has announced that it will stop …

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