Flutter switch widget
In this tutorial, I show you how to use Switch Widget in flutter using Stream Builder.
Switch Widget
If you are a programmer, and so I think you well know about switch if you don’t know then don’t worry I will tell you.
The switch is a widget in flutter who returns a value in Boolean form means true or false.
You don’t have a need to include any third-party library for use a Switch Widget it is already provided by flutter.
First, we have created a file and initialize Stream Controller
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart'; class Bloc{ //initialize bool type controller final _switchController = BehaviorSubject<bool>(); /// Add data to the stream Function(bool) get setSwitch => _switchController.sink.add; /// Validate and retrieve data from the stream Stream<bool> get getSwitch => _switchController.stream; }
Then import Bloc.dart file in your class where you want to add Switch Widget
import 'package:bloc_flutter_switch/Bloc.dart';
Create an object of Bloc.dart file
Bloc bloc=Bloc();
Add below code where you want to add a switch
StreamBuilder( stream: bloc.getSwitch, builder: (context,snapshot){ return Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: <Widget>[ Text("${snapshot.data??false}"), Switch( value: snapshot.data??false, activeColor: Colors.green, onChanged: (b) { bloc.setSwitch(b); }, ) ], ); })