Nvidia’s GTC developer event is going to be online-only over coronavirus fears
Nvidia has canceled the in-person portion of its GPU Technology Conference, which might have brought
Over 10,000 individuals to San Jose 3 weeks from currently. The company cited “growing concern over
the coronavirus” for its call, and aforementioned it’ll attempt to host the maximum amount of the content
On-line as attainable.
Nvidia explained, In an update to the GTC page.
“Jensen can still provide a keynote. We are going to still share our announcements. And we’ll work to confirm our speakers will share their talks. However, we’ll do that all online.”
The five-day event was scheduled to require place at the San Jose convention center beginning on
March 22. Some 250 firms would be demonstrating or reporting in some kind or another, presenting and hearing talks on the newest applications of GPUs and high-performance computing.
Unfortunately, GTC has gone the method of the Game Developer Conference, Mobile World Congress
F8, and diverse alternative major events that justly distressed that such a high concentration of
International travelers may sway be a tract for the coronavirus presently spreading worldwide.
No doubt an honest variety of exhibitors and attendees were already canceling or questioning their
attendance; several firms have already restricted international travel for any reason in the slightest
Degree. Anyone who paid for a pass to GTC will receive a full refund, but Nvidia is hoping to salvage at least Some of its programming.
“We are going to be operating with our conference speakers to start commercial enterprise their talks online starting within the weeks ahead,” wrote the corporate in a very weblog post asserting the choice.
“Additionally, for those in NVIDIA’s developer program, we tend to decide to schedule handiness with our
Researchers, engineers and resolution architects to answer technical queries.”
All updates, with content, should appear on the GTC page going forward.